Post #3 _ 2018-01-21 人类二十四个小时对一部分人来说很充足,但是相信对大部分人包括我在内十分的不够用。一方面自己给自己所定下的目标很难完成,这一个月以来每一天都在加班,为不是自己的公司赚钱,另一方面回到家里也已经八九点了,加上有时顺道去兜几趟 Uber 乘客压榨一丁点的额外零用钱,回到家甚至也已经十一二点,哪来的再多时间及精神看书抑或是研究投资这类超级费神的事儿。何况本来周末礼拜天是提升自我的关键天都拿来加班了,也没办法来写每周一记了。 24 hours per day for somebody maybe just enough, but I believe for majority including me, it is not enough. I've a hard time fulfilling my set goals while I've been overtime for work most of the time, pursuing profit that I did not own. On the other hand I mostly reach home around 8 or 9, not to say if I contribute extra time for my part time Uber trip begging for some extra Ka-Ching & Ba-Bling. Tell me if I have extra time for self enhancement like reading and investment analysis, which are mentally exhausting. for the past weekend I even have to perform overtime, hence causing me to skip Post of the Week #3. 其实我发觉每个人都可以以更好的方式衡量个人时间的价值。我所发现的方法是,除了每天花去的 8 + 8 小时在工作及睡觉,另外再扣去上班及回家途中,和吃喝及生理整洁上的时间外,其余的时间都应该投入在自我增值上(比如看看书或是透过网络影片学习之类),或是一些能...