

目前显示的是 一月, 2018的博文

2018 每周一记/Post of the Week _ 2018-01-21

Post #3 _ 2018-01-21 人类二十四个小时对一部分人来说很充足,但是相信对大部分人包括我在内十分的不够用。一方面自己给自己所定下的目标很难完成,这一个月以来每一天都在加班,为不是自己的公司赚钱,另一方面回到家里也已经八九点了,加上有时顺道去兜几趟 Uber 乘客压榨一丁点的额外零用钱,回到家甚至也已经十一二点,哪来的再多时间及精神看书抑或是研究投资这类超级费神的事儿。何况本来周末礼拜天是提升自我的关键天都拿来加班了,也没办法来写每周一记了。 24 hours per day for somebody maybe just enough, but I believe for majority including me, it is not enough. I've a hard time fulfilling my set goals while I've been overtime for work most of the time, pursuing profit that I did not own. On the other hand I mostly reach home around 8 or 9, not to say if I contribute extra time for my part time Uber trip begging for some extra Ka-Ching & Ba-Bling. Tell me if I have extra time for self enhancement like reading and investment analysis, which are mentally exhausting. for the past weekend I even have to perform overtime, hence causing me to skip Post of the Week #3. 其实我发觉每个人都可以以更好的方式衡量个人时间的价值。我所发现的方法是,除了每天花去的 8 + 8 小时在工作及睡觉,另外再扣去上班及回家途中,和吃喝及生理整洁上的时间外,其余的时间都应该投入在自我增值上(比如看看书或是透过网络影片学习之类),或是一些能...

2018 每周一记/Post of the Week _ 2018-01-14

Post #2 _ 2018-01-14 话说想要成为一个领域内的专家需要遵守"一万小时定律" (作家格拉德维尔于《异类》 / Outliers 一书中所提出的定律,那就是在你的领域花上一万小时你就能成为该领域的专家) ,可是坚持着下去还有一定难度啊。。每天两个小时的自我增值时间也因为接连而来的加班给打断了,就别说再去兼职当Uber司机了,果然成功人士说的没错——专注,办事贵精不贵多啊 T.T... 不过没关系,我相信只要一直维持下去,虽然不一定能天天维持两个小时的自我增值时间,但也总好歹比大众好那么一点点,当个半(扮)成功人士也不错了。 There's a hearsay of a crucial rule of success to be a tip-top professional in your area of expertise : 10,000 - Hour Rule, proposed by Malcolm Gladwell's book titled "Outliers : The Story of Success". However it is not so easy to persist to your practice. 2 hour Self-Enhancement per day has been consistently interrupted by non-stop overtime on work, can't even pursue my part-time Uber on top of that. Hence the saying of succeed individuals are true - that you have to FOCUS. Nevertheless, I believe I could be a little bit more success if I can continue this habit - though not everyday committed. 好像是最近,我才有了个人生下半场的概念。在这之前也就是毕业后开始职业生涯的那三年,都纯粹想要变得富有,通过投资股票变得富有,变得超级自由。但是现在我有了更为全面...

2018 每周一记/Post of the Week _ 2018-01-07

Post #1 _ 2018-01-07 说实在的,虽然很想活跃于写部落格,但是每每都因为工作繁忙及一堆无关紧要的事拖延甚至懒惰打开电脑。翻了下纪录上一篇文竟然是去年7月22日,而紧接着发布了不过一个月家里就发生了一些事情,导致我的活跃投资资本瞬间被摧毁得差不多了,那可是实实在在的将近实现我2017年目标的10K,同时也让我的投资路颓废了几个月。。。 To be honest, although I really felt like actively writing blog, but I was always interrupted by busy-working schedule and others non-related stuffs that hinder me from switching on my laptop. Viewing back my last post it was like last year July 22nd, and very soon after that I've been slammed by something happen in my family that nearly wipe out my entirely 10K investing fund (and that's my 2017 goal-to-be-reach!). That made me felt upset for entire months... 虽然如此,生活还得继续,这条百万不归之路也得继续走下去。在我卖完了所有的股票把事情解决之后,我也只好重新开始,而且我也意识到生活应急金的重要性,有所准备才不至于让这条路走得太曲折。2017目标没法完成,但也并非一无所成。现在是时候往前看,把以后的目标当作主要任务冲刺,把以前的失败当作教训避免重犯。 But hey, life gonna continue isn't that true? The road to Million is still need to be continued, hence I could do nothing but re-started since I've sold out entire share h...